X-cape Outdoors Supports Wildlife Conservation
NATIONAL WILD TURKEY FEDERATION The NWTF is a 450,000-member grassroots, nonprofit organization with members in 50 states, Canada and 11 foreign countries. It supports scientific wildlife management on public, private and corporate lands as well as wild turkey hunting as a traditional North American sport. www.nwtf.org
ROCKY MOUNTAIN ELK FOUNDATION With more than 132,000 members in 50 states, Canada and 26 foreign countries, the RMEF is dedicated to ensuring the future of elk, other wildlife and their habitat. The goals of RMEF are to preserve land, wildlife and elk for future generations to enjoy. www.rmef.org
QUAIL UNLIMITED/DOVE SPORTSMAN'S SOCIETY QU and the DSS, through their 520 grassroots chapters across the country, support and actively participate in habitat improvement, education and research projects that have the greatest impact on quail, dove, upland game birds and other wildlife species. www.qu.org , www.dovesociety.org
DUCKS UNLIMITED Ducks Unlimited conserves, restores and manages wetlands and associated habitats for North America's waterfowl and is the largest private organization of its kind in the world with more than 757,000 members in Canada, the United States and Mexico. In addition, DU has 84,000 Greenwing members who are seventeen or younger, ensuring that DU's efforts will be continued into the future. www.ducks.org
US FISH & WILDLIFE SERVICE Since 1934, the sales of Federal Duck Stamps have generated more than $670 million, which has been used to help purchase or lease over 5.2 million acres of waterfowl habitat in the U.S. These lands are now protected in the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service's National Wildlife Refuge System. http://duckstamps.fws.gov